Why use My Statement of Net Worth software?
There are over 80 Statement of Net Worth / Financial Affidavit forms in use today in family law and divorce or mediation purposes. Many of them have similarities in that they are not designed or optimized for the person entering and reviewing the data or reviewing it with their legal counsel. Rather they were written many years ago, and many are still based on an old method of inputting and reviewing data.
MY Statement of Net Worth was created from the first sketch and software architectural designs to create legally approved forms that are also optimized to allow incredible flexibility to allow each person’s specific financial snapshot to be easily understood, and quicker and more thorough review by legal counsel.
Every state has it’s own legal form, detailing:
By breaking out many sections of the required information into subcategories and allowing notes and “tags” you will provide much greater information to your legal counsel to be able to advise you in a much more informed and thorough manner.
Automation in many fields reduces mathematical errors from calculations that must often be done by hand.
Mathematical formulas also reduce the time it takes to fill out the form, eases stress, and auto-updates when 1 field is updated/ changed, rather than having to keep changing other inter-related fields (which causes a large % of the mathematical errors we see from manually filled out forms.)
A word from our founder and CEO
Akiva Goldstein
“How can you create a successful financial roadmap for the future if you don’t clearly understand where you currently are?”
If you don’t know where you are, you can’t possibly know what options are at your disposal.